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Initial Evaluations

1 hour and 30 minutes


Individual Sessions

1 hour


Please call or email to set up your evaluation and discuss payment.


What We

Prelinguistic Communication
e.g. gestures, signs, body language, eye gaze

Every way your child let’s you know what they want or need before they are verbal communicators is considered "prelinguistic".  This can include looking at what they want, moving their body to suggest a want or need, demonstrating joint attention, and showing a desire to communicate.

Speech Sound Production

  • Motor planning and execution

  • Articulation

  • Phonology

How we combine sounds together to produce words and how well we are understood by others, which is called, intelligibility.

Voice Disorders 

Characterized by the abnormal production and/or absences of vocal quality, pitch, loudness, resonance, and/or duration.

Receptive and Expressive Communication

Receptive language refers to how we understand or comprehend spoken words and the language around us. Expressive language is the ability to communicate one’s thoughts and feelings using words, sentences, gestures, writing or alternative options. 

Executive Functioning

An umbrella term which includes cognitive skills of the frontal lobe such as working memory, flexibility, impulse control, organization, planning and self-monitoring. EF is crucial to everyday success, participation, and safety. It also allows for effective adaptation and accommodation to changing environmental demands. Executive functions include and impact emotional, cognitive, and behavioral regulation. 


  • Autism - Working with children and adolescents across all levels of the Autism spectrum is a focus area which Kait has invested much of her career 

  • Greenspan Floortime – Kait is a Level II certified Greenspan Floortime Approach practitioner, currently working toward her Level III certification

  • Social Thinking – Kait has extensive experience addressing social skills and running social skills groups informed by Michelle Garcia Winner’s Social Thinking Curriculum

  • Childhood Apraxia of Speech – Kait adheres to Edyth Strand’s Principles of Motor Learning in her enthusiastic and passionate treatment of apraxia and motor speech disorders

  • Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) – Kait believes in the utmost importance of teaching caregivers how to support their child in their use of AAC alongside their child’s own learning so that a device does not simply go home and sit on a shelf but is a functional communication tool

  • Executive Functioning – Working memory, planning, sequencing, problem solving, and flexibility are our brains tools to help us participate successfully in our environment. If our brain’s tools are having a hard time, it is exceedingly difficult to succeed socially and academically. Understanding executive functioning and determining strategies to support these social-cognitive skills are a formative part of Kait’s bottom-up approach to intervention


Ascent Pediatric Speech Therapy maintains the following licensure:


  • American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)


  • Montana Department of Labor and Industry (MDLI)


  • Minnesota Department of Health (MDH)


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M-F Appointment Only 


Saturday and Sunday

By Request






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